Mike and Amber Madger - Committed to Live Life in His Image.

What brings the resurrection of Jesus Christ center stage in your life?

At Life In His Image Ministries, envisioned and fueled by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we are dedicated to leading a ministry centered upon Christ.

With hearts surrendered to God’s call, we, Mike and Amber, commit to guiding Believers on a journey towards living in His Image.

Our vision is rooted in the revelation that real-life change blossoms through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, reflected in every facet of life.

By fostering a community anchored in authenticity and redemption, we strive to dissolve the barriers to spiritual growth and healing through walk, blog and testimony.

Our mission is to unite and equip the Body of Christ with accessible teachings, original and timely sermons, and heartfelt podcasts offering Christ-centered care to use and share across the Body. 

Join us as we embark on the Holy Spirit's calling to touch lives within the Body of Christ and reach out to all Jesus followers. This is powered by the precious blood of Jesus, for the re-birth of many.

What brings the resurrection of Jesus Christ Center stage in your life?

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Welcome to Life In His Image Ministries! We're thrilled to have you join us as we strive to keep Christ at the center of all we do. Our mission is to help you grow in your spiritual journey and share the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.If you have a story about how the Blood of Jesus has changed your life, we'd love to hear from you! My wife and I are dedicated to spreading the Good News and connecting you with the body of Christ in new and meaningful ways.To get started, please fill out the form below, and let us know how we can best support you. Our goal is to serve you and help you grow in your faith. May God bless you abundantly as we journey together!