The Passion of Appealing to The Heart.

The Image Bearers Initiative is our passionate appeal to Christians who feel displaced or disconnected from the Body of Jesus Christ in one way or another.

We aim to reach out to those individuals ensnared by sin and filled with despair, believing that they cannot achieve God's plan for them. Our ultimate goal is to reconnect, revitalize, and rekindle the fervor in every Christian, compelling them to live passionately in the image of Jesus Christ.

Both my wife and I have been at the receiving end of betrayal trauma and simultaneously, its instigators. We've been submerged in feelings of unworthiness and disqualification from serving God's kingdom. But through surrender to Christ and acknowledgment of His boundless grace, forbearance, and mercy, we have escaped the chains of bondage. Now, our lives are a testament to living in Jesus Christ's image.

Today, my concern for the Body of Christ in these critical final days grows deeper. I witness churches, pastors, and entire denominations wavering on Scripture, trading reverent traditions, and God's sacred Word for conformity to "woke" agendas. They subscribe to prepackaged systems and pre-written sermons as remedies, yet their solutions don't lead to salvation.

I engage directly with individuals battling to establish a profound connection with God and grappling to understand their place within the Body of Christ. I've seen marriages and lives ravaged by addiction, pornography, and sin, and while I strive to do all I can, there are limitations to how many people I can assist.

The inability to reach all God’s children with His profound, transformative Truth is a deeply wrenching realization. It brings me physical pain and immense sadness. However, witnessing lives transformed in Jesus' name affirms the purpose of my existence - being a vessel used by God to play a role in this life-altering process.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) reinforces this sentiment: "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Such is the strength of faith, the power of Christ's love, and the flame within each believer that we aim to ignite through our initiative.

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Welcome to Life In His Image Ministries! We're thrilled to have you join us as we strive to keep Christ at the center of all we do. Our mission is to help you grow in your spiritual journey and share the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.If you have a story about how the Blood of Jesus has changed your life, we'd love to hear from you! My wife and I are dedicated to spreading the Good News and connecting you with the body of Christ in new and meaningful ways.To get started, please fill out the form below, and let us know how we can best support you. Our goal is to serve you and help you grow in your faith. May God bless you abundantly as we journey together!